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Classroom Management

Classroom management is:

  • “All of the things that a teacher does to organize student’s space, time, and materials to that student learning can take place.”

  • “A set of techniques and skills that allow a teacher to control students effectively in order to create a positive learning environment for all students.”[1]


The purpose of classroom management is to increase the academic learning time of students – the time in which students participate actively and are successful in learning activities.[2]


The music classroom environment is intended to be a positive, non-threatening, and cooperative environment where students can feel comfortable and welcome to explore music, be creative, and develop as musicians. 


In my classroom, I believe the teacher’s most important obligation when establishing classroom management is to set a precedent immediately with students, as well as the parents. This includes a clear and explicit definition of what defines acceptable behavior in the classroom, what is not acceptable behavior in the classroom, and what the consequences will be if a child repeatedly and knowingly exhibits unacceptable behavior. Consequently, the consequences for positive and acceptable behavior will be outlined as well. It is also the teacher’s responsibility to set a precedent immediately when it comes to daily routines and classroom organization.


I would convey this information via a classroom handbook or agreement page placed into the folders/books of my students on the first day of rehearsal/classes. For marching band members, a required after-school handbook meeting will be schedule for students and parents. The booklet is to be reviewed, and the agreement form is to be signed and dated by both the student and the parents before the student is allowed to participate.












[1]Wong, Harry., and Rosemary T. Wong. The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher (rev. ed.). Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, 1998.


{2} Kauchak, Donald P., Eggen, Paul D., Introduction to Teaching: Becoming A Professional. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Person, 2011.

Primary Teaching Objectives & Approach To Students


My primary objective as a teacher is to create a positive, engaging, and collaborative environment for students and maximize my instructional time. I aim to reveal every student’s true potential and stimulate intrinsic motivation by leading by example. I do this by exhibiting my own passion for music of all cultures, genres and eras, demonstrating intensity and purposefulness in the way I work, and expressing my sincere desire to achieve excellence in music and in life.

I employ a classroom management approach that emphasizes getting a response from all students, garnering respect from the students by leading by example as a musician, and creating meaningful connections with students through successful musical experiences. I establish mutual understanding with my students about my expectations through quotes; I repeatedly say that "every day is an audition," and great musicians are always prepared to "stand and deliver on any given day." The rapid pacing of my lessons is crucial to the continual mental and physical engagement of my students, which in turn maximizes their academic learning time and limits off-task behavior.


I want each of my students to assimilate the value of individual accountability and obligation to others into their lives; those two skills will serve them well in their professional lives, their personal lives, and their musical lives.


Assuming I have stability in my facilities and working environment, my classroom is always meticulously organized, and all materials are easily accessible. My organizational approach coincides with another quote I say often: “a cluttered room is a cluttered mind.” I believe this is especially important in a musical setting – the feeling we get from our environment can either inspire a student and focus their creativity, or cause inattention, dispiritedness, and a disconnection from their creative mind.


Lastly, my classroom objectives and lesson/rehearsal plans are always standards-based, always displayed in a consistent location in clear view, and always prepared before classes begin.

Example Documents

The following documents have been used throughout my career when establishing class/program expectations. 

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